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Recording a window including sound

Hi I have been using the record window function to record a Zoom meeting window. This normally works fine and the meeting is recorded including the sound. But the last couple I recorded have recorded only the images (i.e. The people speaking) but NOT the sound. When I play back the recording I can see that the Microphone row at the bottom of the screen is not there in these recent recordings where previously it was. Can anyone explain what happened and how to Record window, along with the sound from that window? Thank you

Do you still have the microphone selected as one of the audio sources on the Recorder's main window? (directly under the Record Sound option))

No but I didn't think I changed anything from when it worked before. I don't remember unticking 'record sound' ? I thought it was recording the zoom window.... along with the sound in the window automatically. I don't remember the little red/green moving sound indicator being active.

FlashBack cannot record sound without the appropriate sources being selected and enabled. If you are recording a meeting, you will want to have one source for your microphone (to record you) and one for the PC speakers (to record the other participants).

So should I: 1) Select drop down box - 'Window' (and choose the zoom window) 2) Tick 'record sound' 3) AND tick the 2 other tick boxes under Sound as below: i) 'microphone array' ii) Default pc Speakers' (there is another option here 'speakers Realtek High Definition')

Yes, all of the boxes, if you want to record the microphone and the PC sounds. 

I think it is a programm bug. 

I have the message <<plashback cannot recorder that sound source>> if i try to record from     "FlashBack Express Recorder" but ...

i can record without problem if i open "FlashBack Express Player" -->Record your screen
I hope i help you.

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