Should I set the server to be ‘Off’ or ‘On-Demand’?
Blueberry Support
started a topic
about 9 years ago
can offer similar cost saving benefits as simply setting a server to off but by
being On-Demand it gives more flexibility in how it is used.
For example, if you know that servers will only be needed
whilst users are in the office, you could apply one schedule to turn the server
on between 9AM and 5PM and then another that turns the server off from 5PM
until 9AM the next day.
But what if a user is still using a server at 5PM? You
probably don’t want the server to be turned off while they are still using it
but equally you don’t want to have to leave it on overnight. Instead, setting
the server to be On-Demand, lets them finish their work without any threat of
the server suddenly turning off but then ensures that, once they are finished,
the server will be turned off and not left on overnight.
Of course, there may be times when you know that you
absolutely don’t want your server to be available. In these cases, setting your
server to Off instead of On-Demand will prevent any access to it.
Blueberry Support
On-Demand can offer similar cost saving benefits as simply setting a server to off but by being On-Demand it gives more flexibility in how it is used.
For example, if you know that servers will only be needed whilst users are in the office, you could apply one schedule to turn the server on between 9AM and 5PM and then another that turns the server off from 5PM until 9AM the next day.
But what if a user is still using a server at 5PM? You probably don’t want the server to be turned off while they are still using it but equally you don’t want to have to leave it on overnight. Instead, setting the server to be On-Demand, lets them finish their work without any threat of the server suddenly turning off but then ensures that, once they are finished, the server will be turned off and not left on overnight.